Saturday, October 15, 2011

wth is all this?

Hi & welcome! We're stoked you've stumbled across our humble little space!

We are Local A, and this blog functions solely to bring our friends & neighbors news about the coolest, trendiest & tastiest stuff in Atlanta.

The catch? It's gotta be REAL local. That means the stuff we pimp has to be designed, developed, created & sold right here in the good ol' state of GA. We do lots of researching & sampling of our local goodness (yum) & work hard to make sure what we're presenting to you guys is the best of the best.

Why? Because we believe that everyone can participate in supporting our creative entrepreneurs while strengthening the local economy, and most importantly, have a lot of fun doing it.

What's the best part? The money Local A raises goes into our local economy too! Our aim is to help people in the textile industry get back to work. I've personally watched mill after mill close down in the southeast over the past couple of years, displacing lots of really skilled employees. Funds from Local A will help those people start anew as independent contractors with their own businesses.

We hope this blog inspires you to get out & explore all the great things that are going on around town as well as all over the state. There are more than enough amazing people doing amazing things right here in our own community to satisfy all of your senses & give you an excuse to feel good about yourself too.

Enjoy ~

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